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Current hierarchy for woodworking tools (4,170)
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woodworking tools (4,170) woodworking tools (4,170) exclude
  abrasives and holders (9) woodworking tools (4,170) -> abrasives and holders (9)  
  adzes (11) woodworking tools (4,170) -> adzes (11)  
  awls (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> awls (1)  
  axes (107) woodworking tools (4,170) -> axes (107)  
  braces (384) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) exclude
    brace chucks (209) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) -> brace chucks (209)  
    brace handles (19) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) -> brace handles (19)  
    corner braces (5) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) -> corner braces (5)  
    fixed braces (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) -> fixed braces (3)  
    geared braces (16) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) -> geared braces (16)  
    ratchet braces (61) woodworking tools (4,170) -> braces (384) -> ratchet braces (61)  
  chisels (88) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) exclude
    carving chisels (6) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> carving chisels (6)  
    corner chisels (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> corner chisels (1)  
    firmer chisels (7) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> firmer chisels (7)  
    mortise chisels (25) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> mortise chisels (25)  
    socket chisels (6) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> socket chisels (6)  
    swan neck chisels (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> swan neck chisels (1)  
    turning chisels (10) woodworking tools (4,170) -> chisels (88) -> turning chisels (10)  
  hammers (339) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hammers (339) exclude
    framing hammers (7) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hammers (339) -> framing hammers (7)  
    hammer handles (15) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hammers (339) -> hammer handles (15)  
    mallets (57) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hammers (339) -> mallets (57)  
    nail holding (32) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hammers (339) -> nail holding (32)  
    tack hammers (36) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hammers (339) -> tack hammers (36)  
  hand drills (1,068) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) exclude
    auger handles (70) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> auger handles (70)  
    breast drills (24) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> breast drills (24)  
    corner drills (4) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> corner drills (4)  
    drill accessories (109) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill accessories (109) exclude
      drill depth stops (28) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill accessories (109) -> drill depth stops (28)  
    drill bit extensions (26) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bit extensions (26)  
    drill bits (611) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) exclude
      adjustable drill bits (79) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> adjustable drill bits (79)  
      auger bits (201) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> auger bits (201)  
      countersinks (77) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> countersinks (77)  
      hollow bits (117) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> hollow bits (117)  
      spoke pointers (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> spoke pointers (3)  
      spoon bits (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> spoon bits (3)  
      tapered reamers (25) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> tapered reamers (25)  
      twist drill bits (20) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> twist drill bits (20)  
      washer cutters (18) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill bits (611) -> washer cutters (18)  
    drill chucks (79) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> drill chucks (79)  
    eggbeater drills (38) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> eggbeater drills (38)  
    gimlets (27) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> gimlets (27)  
    push drills (7) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> push drills (7)  
    spiral drills (6) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hand drills (1,068) -> spiral drills (6)  
  handsaws (1,157) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) exclude
    backsaws (20) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> backsaws (20) exclude
      dovetail saws (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> backsaws (20) -> dovetail saws (3)  
      tenon saws (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> backsaws (20) -> tenon saws (1)  
    combination saws (33) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> combination saws (33)  
    compass saws (18) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> compass saws (18)  
    coping saws (19) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> coping saws (19)  
    crosscut saws (162) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> crosscut saws (162) exclude
      crosscut saw handles (65) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> crosscut saws (162) -> crosscut saw handles (65)  
      crosscut saw teeth (28) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> crosscut saws (162) -> crosscut saw teeth (28)  
    frame saws (54) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> frame saws (54) exclude
      bowsaws (4) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> frame saws (54) -> bowsaws (4)  
    handsaw blade guards (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> handsaw blade guards (3)  
    handsaw depth gages (8) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> handsaw depth gages (8)  
    handsaw teeth (20) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> handsaw teeth (20)  
    panel saws (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> panel saws (1)  
    saw blowers (2) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw blowers (2)  
    saw handles (181) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw handles (181)  
    saw nuts (9) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw nuts (9)  
    saw oilers (26) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw oilers (26)  
    saw sharpening tools (601) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw sharpening tools (601) exclude
      saw gauges (70) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw sharpening tools (601) -> saw gauges (70)  
      saw jointers (70) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw sharpening tools (601) -> saw jointers (70)  
      saw sets (306) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw sharpening tools (601) -> saw sets (306)  
      saw swages (95) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw sharpening tools (601) -> saw swages (95)  
      saw vises (63) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> saw sharpening tools (601) -> saw vises (63)  
    veneer saws (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> handsaws (1,157) -> veneer saws (1)  
  hatchets (9) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hatchets (9) exclude
    shingle (2) woodworking tools (4,170) -> hatchets (9) -> shingle (2)  
  miter boxes (199) woodworking tools (4,170) -> miter boxes (199)  
  nail driving tools (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> nail driving tools (1)  
  peaveys (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> peaveys (1)  
  planes (729) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) exclude
    bench planes (119) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> bench planes (119)  
    blind nailers (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> blind nailers (3)  
    block planes (44) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> block planes (44)  
    chamfer planes (10) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> chamfer planes (10)  
    circular planes (19) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> circular planes (19)  
    combination planes (48) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> combination planes (48)  
    core box planes (6) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> core box planes (6)  
    dado planes (10) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> dado planes (10)  
    dovetail planes (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> dovetail planes (1)  
    edge planes (6) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> edge planes (6)  
    fiberboard planes (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> fiberboard planes (3)  
    fillester planes (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> fillester planes (3)  
    floor planes (11) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> floor planes (11)  
    hollow and round planes (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> hollow and round planes (3)  
    match planes (9) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> match planes (9)  
    miter planes (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> miter planes (1)  
    molding planes (14) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> molding planes (14)  
    panel planes (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> panel planes (1)  
    plane accessories (47) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane accessories (47) exclude
      jointer gauges (18) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane accessories (47) -> jointer gauges (18)  
      plane oilers (14) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane accessories (47) -> plane oilers (14)  
      shooting boards (8) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane accessories (47) -> shooting boards (8)  
    plane adjustment mechanisms (186) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane adjustment mechanisms (186) exclude
      plane cutter adjustments (120) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane adjustment mechanisms (186) -> plane cutter adjustments (120)  
      plane depth stops (8) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane adjustment mechanisms (186) -> plane depth stops (8)  
      plane fences (27) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane adjustment mechanisms (186) -> plane fences (27)  
      plane throat adjustments (31) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane adjustment mechanisms (186) -> plane throat adjustments (31)  
    plane beds (34) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane beds (34)  
    plane blades (45) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane blades (45)  
    plane cap irons (19) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane cap irons (19)  
    plane frogs (11) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane frogs (11)  
    plane handles (30) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane handles (30)  
    plane lever caps (26) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plane lever caps (26)  
    plow planes (16) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> plow planes (16)  
    rabbet planes (34) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> rabbet planes (34)  
    router planes (22) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> router planes (22)  
    scraper planes (23) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> scraper planes (23)  
    scrub planes (2) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> scrub planes (2)  
    shooting board planes (3) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> shooting board planes (3)  
    shoulder planes (2) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> shoulder planes (2)  
    spill planes (5) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> spill planes (5)  
    splint planes (16) woodworking tools (4,170) -> planes (729) -> splint planes (16)  
  scrapers (51) woodworking tools (4,170) -> scrapers (51) exclude
    box scrapers (17) woodworking tools (4,170) -> scrapers (51) -> box scrapers (17)  
    veneer scrapers (2) woodworking tools (4,170) -> scrapers (51) -> veneer scrapers (2)  
  scratch beaders (12) woodworking tools (4,170) -> scratch beaders (12)  
  shingle bands (1) woodworking tools (4,170) -> shingle bands (1)  
  spokeshaves (47) woodworking tools (4,170) -> spokeshaves (47)  
Full Hierarchy | agricultural (3,143) | armaments (131) | combination tools (615) | construction machines (86) | electrical devices (1,334) | gauges (109) | handheld power tools (796)
hardware (225) | household tools (118) | household (2,157) | industrial machines (1,892) | industrial tanks (5) | industrial tools (1,210) | knives and cutters (168) | layout tools (2,641)
manufacturing (311) | material handling (362) | metalworking machines (14,865) | metalworking tools (1,993) | musical instruments (30) | photographic apparatus (324) | pliers (725) | potters tools (3)
propulsion and energy (6,047) | punches (49) | rules (495) | screwdrivers (566) | specialty machines (2,542) | specialty tools (1,555) | stoneworking (135) | structures (114)
tool making (459) | trade specific (5,914) | transportation (1,029) | water distribution systems (227) | woodworking machines (15,574) | woodworking tools (4,170) | work holding (1,616) | wrenches (5,939)

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