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Current hierarchy for specialty machines (2,557)
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specialty machines (2,557) specialty machines (2,557) exclude
  air conditioning apparatus (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> air conditioning apparatus (11)  
  archimedean screws (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> archimedean screws (1)  
  assembling machines (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> assembling machines (5)  
  axle making machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> axle making machines (2)  
  balancing machinery (21) specialty machines (2,557) -> balancing machinery (21)  
  bicycle machinery (13) specialty machines (2,557) -> bicycle machinery (13)  
  blow molding machines (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> blow molding machines (5)  
  bottle cappers (23) specialty machines (2,557) -> bottle cappers (23)  
  brewing apparatus (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> brewing apparatus (2)  
  brick and tile making machines (53) specialty machines (2,557) -> brick and tile making machines (53)  
  broom making machinery (24) specialty machines (2,557) -> broom making machinery (24)  
  brush making machinery (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> brush making machinery (5)  
  bullet making machinery (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> bullet making machinery (1)  
  bung making machines (34) specialty machines (2,557) -> bung making machines (34)  
  button making machinery (55) specialty machines (2,557) -> button making machinery (55)  
  calculators (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> calculators (1)  
  can making machines (44) specialty machines (2,557) -> can making machines (44)  
  candle making machinery (9) specialty machines (2,557) -> candle making machinery (9)  
  canning apparatus (18) specialty machines (2,557) -> canning apparatus (18)  
  car dumpers (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> car dumpers (1)  
  cardboard box making machines (13) specialty machines (2,557) -> cardboard box making machines (13)  
  cash registers (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> cash registers (1)  
  centrifuges (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> centrifuges (5)  
  chain making machines (13) specialty machines (2,557) -> chain making machines (13)  
  chimney sweepers (7) specialty machines (2,557) -> chimney sweepers (7)  
  chocolate grinders (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> chocolate grinders (1)  
  cloth carding machines (40) specialty machines (2,557) -> cloth carding machines (40)  
  cloth napping machines (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> cloth napping machines (5)  
  cloth pressing machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> cloth pressing machines (2)  
  cloth shearing machines (24) specialty machines (2,557) -> cloth shearing machines (24)  
  cloth weaving machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> cloth weaving machines (4)  
  clothes drying machine (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> clothes drying machine (4)  
  commutator dressing machines (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> commutator dressing machines (12)  
  commutator slotting machines (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> commutator slotting machines (3)  
  compacting machines (10) specialty machines (2,557) -> compacting machines (10)  
  compressors (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> compressors (1)  
  concrete mixers (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> concrete mixers (3)  
  concrete vibrators (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> concrete vibrators (1)  
  cork making machines (7) specialty machines (2,557) -> cork making machines (7)  
  cracker and biscuit machines (21) specialty machines (2,557) -> cracker and biscuit machines (21)  
  crimping machines (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> crimping machines (5)  
  dental apparatus (38) specialty machines (2,557) -> dental apparatus (38)  
  distilling apparatus (46) specialty machines (2,557) -> distilling apparatus (46)  
  dust collectors (27) specialty machines (2,557) -> dust collectors (27)  
  dynamometers (7) specialty machines (2,557) -> dynamometers (7)  
  eavestrough machines (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> eavestrough machines (11)  
  elevators and lifts (41) specialty machines (2,557) -> elevators and lifts (41) exclude
    vehicle lifts (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> elevators and lifts (41) -> vehicle lifts (1)  
  encryption machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> encryption machines (2)  
  evaporating apparatus (9) specialty machines (2,557) -> evaporating apparatus (9)  
  extrusion presses (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> extrusion presses (1)  
  fans and blowers (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> fans and blowers (11)  
  feather and hair removing machines (9) specialty machines (2,557) -> feather and hair removing machines (9)  
  feather dressing machines (10) specialty machines (2,557) -> feather dressing machines (10)  
  felt making machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> felt making machines (2)  
  fence making machines (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> fence making machines (11)  
  file cutting machines (30) specialty machines (2,557) -> file cutting machines (30)  
  flame hardening machines (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> flame hardening machines (11)  
  foundry machines (22) specialty machines (2,557) -> foundry machines (22) exclude
    casting molds (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> foundry machines (22) -> casting molds (1)  
    die casting machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> foundry machines (22) -> die casting machines (4)  
    extruding machines and dies (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> foundry machines (22) -> extruding machines and dies (3)  
    flash removing machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> foundry machines (22) -> flash removing machines (2)  
    molding machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> foundry machines (22) -> molding machines (4)  
  glass grinding machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> glass grinding machines (4)  
  hat making machines (17) specialty machines (2,557) -> hat making machines (17)  
  heat treating machines (15) specialty machines (2,557) -> heat treating machines (15)  
  heating apparatus (60) specialty machines (2,557) -> heating apparatus (60) exclude
    thermostats (19) specialty machines (2,557) -> heating apparatus (60) -> thermostats (19)  
  horseshoe making machines (8) specialty machines (2,557) -> horseshoe making machines (8)  
  horseshoe nail making machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> horseshoe nail making machines (1)  
  hose cutting and crimping apparatus (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> hose cutting and crimping apparatus (1)  
  industrial furnaces (84) specialty machines (2,557) -> industrial furnaces (84) exclude
    incinerators (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> industrial furnaces (84) -> incinerators (2)  
    steel making furnaces (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> industrial furnaces (84) -> steel making furnaces (5)  
  industrial washing machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> industrial washing machines (1)  
  insulator pin making machinery (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> insulator pin making machinery (1)  
  jar washing machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> jar washing machines (2)  
  kilns (28) specialty machines (2,557) -> kilns (28)  
  knitting machines (8) specialty machines (2,557) -> knitting machines (8)  
  label mounting machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> label mounting machines (1)  
  leather shearing machines (6) specialty machines (2,557) -> leather shearing machines (6)  
  lever presses (8) specialty machines (2,557) -> lever presses (8)  
  liquid extracting machines (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> liquid extracting machines (3)  
  looms (128) specialty machines (2,557) -> looms (128)  
  magnetic separators (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> magnetic separators (1)  
  material cutting machines (8) specialty machines (2,557) -> material cutting machines (8)  
  material grinding machines (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> material grinding machines (5)  
  metal ball making machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> metal ball making machines (4)  
  metal twisting machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> metal twisting machines (4)  
  metal washer making machines (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> metal washer making machines (3)  
  milk shake machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> milk shake machines (1)  
  mining apparatus (14) specialty machines (2,557) -> mining apparatus (14)  
  mixing machines (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> mixing machines (12)  
  needle making machines (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> needle making machines (3)  
  numbering machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> numbering machines (1)  
  nut or bolt making machines (95) specialty machines (2,557) -> nut or bolt making machines (95)  
  oilfield machinery (8) specialty machines (2,557) -> oilfield machinery (8)  
  ore processing apparatus (95) specialty machines (2,557) -> ore processing apparatus (95)  
  paint grinding mills (17) specialty machines (2,557) -> paint grinding mills (17)  
  pan making machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> pan making machines (1)  
  paper cutting machines (23) specialty machines (2,557) -> paper cutting machines (23)  
  paper making machines (19) specialty machines (2,557) -> paper making machines (19)  
  pencil making machines (17) specialty machines (2,557) -> pencil making machines (17)  
  pin and needle making machinery (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> pin and needle making machinery (4)  
  pipe making machines (32) specialty machines (2,557) -> pipe making machines (32) exclude
    pipe and tube benders (13) specialty machines (2,557) -> pipe making machines (32) -> pipe and tube benders (13)  
  piston refacing machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> piston refacing machines (1)  
  plastic box making machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> plastic box making machines (2)  
  plastic molding machines (33) specialty machines (2,557) -> plastic molding machines (33)  
  polishing and buffing machinery (98) specialty machines (2,557) -> polishing and buffing machinery (98)  
  pottery making machines (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> pottery making machines (3)  
  powdered metal apparatus (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> powdered metal apparatus (1)  
  printing presses (91) specialty machines (2,557) -> printing presses (91) exclude
    ink distributors (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> printing presses (91) -> ink distributors (12)  
    type (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> printing presses (91) -> type (5)  
  quilling machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> quilling machines (2)  
  radiator forming machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> radiator forming machines (1)  
  refrigeration apparatus (56) specialty machines (2,557) -> refrigeration apparatus (56)  
  reverting wheels (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> reverting wheels (1)  
  rivet heaters (5) specialty machines (2,557) -> rivet heaters (5)  
  rivet making machines (15) specialty machines (2,557) -> rivet making machines (15)  
  riveting machines (71) specialty machines (2,557) -> riveting machines (71)  
  roll dispensing apparatus (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> roll dispensing apparatus (1)  
  rolling mills (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> rolling mills (12)  
  roofing machines (6) specialty machines (2,557) -> roofing machines (6)  
  rope making machines (8) specialty machines (2,557) -> rope making machines (8)  
  ruling machines (15) specialty machines (2,557) -> ruling machines (15)  
  safe and vault apparatus (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> safe and vault apparatus (3)  
  salt making apparatus (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> salt making apparatus (12)  
  sausage machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> sausage machines (2)  
  scrubbing and scouring machines (14) specialty machines (2,557) -> scrubbing and scouring machines (14)  
  separators (35) specialty machines (2,557) -> separators (35)  
  sequence timers (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> sequence timers (1)  
  sewage treatment apparatus (9) specialty machines (2,557) -> sewage treatment apparatus (9)  
  shoe and boot making machines (91) specialty machines (2,557) -> shoe and boot making machines (91)  
  snow melting machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> snow melting machines (1)  
  soda fountains and soda apparatus (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> soda fountains and soda apparatus (1)  
  soldering machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> soldering machines (2)  
  splitting and shearing machinery (76) specialty machines (2,557) -> splitting and shearing machinery (76)  
  spraying apparatus (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> spraying apparatus (1)  
  spring making machines (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> spring making machines (11)  
  street sweepers (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> street sweepers (2)  
  stud setting machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> stud setting machines (1)  
  sugar refining apparatus (15) specialty machines (2,557) -> sugar refining apparatus (15)  
  tape winding machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> tape winding machines (1)  
  telegraphy apparatus (22) specialty machines (2,557) -> telegraphy apparatus (22)  
  tensioning machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> tensioning machines (1)  
  testing machines (30) specialty machines (2,557) -> testing machines (30)  
  textile machines (62) specialty machines (2,557) -> textile machines (62)  
  thimble making machines (6) specialty machines (2,557) -> thimble making machines (6)  
  tile cutting machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> tile cutting machines (4)  
  time registers (7) specialty machines (2,557) -> time registers (7)  
  tire rim making machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> tire rim making machines (2)  
  tire setting machines (11) specialty machines (2,557) -> tire setting machines (11)  
  tire tightening machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> tire tightening machines (4)  
  tube cleaning machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> tube cleaning machines (4)  
  tube corrugating machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> tube corrugating machines (4)  
  tube cutting machines (31) specialty machines (2,557) -> tube cutting machines (31)  
  tube making machines (16) specialty machines (2,557) -> tube making machines (16)  
  turn-buckle making machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> turn-buckle making machines (1)  
  type casting machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> type casting machines (1)  
  typewriters (25) specialty machines (2,557) -> typewriters (25)  
  valve inserting machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> valve inserting machines (1)  
  valve reseating machines (22) specialty machines (2,557) -> valve reseating machines (22)  
  watchmaking machinery (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> watchmaking machinery (12)  
  water jet cutting apparatus (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> water jet cutting apparatus (3)  
  waterway clearing machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> waterway clearing machines (1)  
  welding apparatus (9) specialty machines (2,557) -> welding apparatus (9)  
  well drilling machines (6) specialty machines (2,557) -> well drilling machines (6)  
  wheel heads (9) specialty machines (2,557) -> wheel heads (9)  
  wheel presses (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> wheel presses (1)  
  wire drawing machines (22) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire drawing machines (22) exclude
    wire drawing dies (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire drawing machines (22) -> wire drawing dies (1)  
  wire gauging and cutting machines (12) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire gauging and cutting machines (12)  
  wire insulating machines (10) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire insulating machines (10)  
  wire spinning machines (2) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire spinning machines (2)  
  wire storage machines (4) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire storage machines (4)  
  wire straightening machines (1) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire straightening machines (1)  
  wire winding machines (22) specialty machines (2,557) -> wire winding machines (22)  
  yarn reels (3) specialty machines (2,557) -> yarn reels (3)  
Full Hierarchy | agricultural (3,196) | armaments (131) | combination tools (620) | construction machines (88) | electrical devices (1,359) | gauges (109) | handheld power tools (800)
hardware (230) | household tools (118) | household (2,205) | industrial machines (1,900) | industrial tanks (5) | industrial tools (1,244) | knives and cutters (176) | layout tools (2,646)
manufacturing (315) | material handling (384) | metalworking machines (14,922) | metalworking tools (2,021) | musical instruments (38) | photographic apparatus (325) | pliers (729) | potters tools (3)
propulsion and energy (6,133) | punches (49) | rules (495) | screwdrivers (567) | specialty machines (2,557) | specialty tools (1,574) | stoneworking (137) | structures (115)
tool making (463) | trade specific (5,934) | transportation (1,037) | water distribution systems (227) | woodworking machines (15,584) | woodworking tools (4,171) | work holding (1,625) | wrenches (5,971)

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