Current hierarchy for structures (115) |
Hierarchy |
Drop down navigation for Type Search |
Exclude Subordinates |
structures (115) |
structures (115) |
exclude |
boats and ships (33)
structures (115) ->
boats and ships (33) |
bridges (34)
structures (115) ->
bridges (34) |
exclude |
drawbridges (1)
structures (115) ->
bridges (34) ->
drawbridges (1) |
truss bridges (7)
structures (115) ->
bridges (34) ->
truss bridges (7) |
drying sheds (1)
structures (115) ->
drying sheds (1) |
nautical (33)
structures (115) ->
nautical (33) |
exclude |
dry docks (27)
structures (115) ->
nautical (33) ->
dry docks (27) |
exclude |
blocks and wedges (5) |
structures (115) ->
nautical (33) ->
dry docks (27) ->
blocks and wedges (5) |
roofs (10)
structures (115) ->
roofs (10) |
vaults and privies (1)
structures (115) ->
vaults and privies (1) |
Full Hierarchy |
agricultural (3,196) | armaments (131) | combination tools (620) | construction machines (88) | electrical devices (1,359) | gauges (109) | handheld power tools (800) hardware (230) | household tools (118) | household (2,205) | industrial machines (1,900) | industrial tanks (5) | industrial tools (1,244) | knives and cutters (176) | layout tools (2,646) manufacturing (315) | material handling (384) | metalworking machines (14,922) | metalworking tools (2,021) | musical instruments (38) | photographic apparatus (325) | pliers (729) | potters tools (3) propulsion and energy (6,133) | punches (49) | rules (495) | screwdrivers (567) | specialty machines (2,557) | specialty tools (1,574) | stoneworking (137) | structures (115) tool making (463) | trade specific (5,934) | transportation (1,037) | water distribution systems (227) | woodworking machines (15,584) | woodworking tools (4,171) | work holding (1,625) | wrenches (5,971)