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US Patent: 67,671
Improvement in Carpenters' Planes
Plow Plane with Depth Stop and Double-ended Cutter
Russel Phillips (exact or similar names) - Gardiner, ME

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking tools : planes : plane adjustment mechanisms : plane depth stops
woodworking tools : planes : plow planes

Russel Phillips - Gardiner, ME
Nathan Weston - Gardiner, ME

C. C. Harlow - Bridgewater, MA
Metallic Compression Casting Co. - Boston, MA

E. J. Furlong
William Henry Clifford
Henry C. Houston

Patent Dates:
Granted: Aug. 13, 1867

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Steve Reynolds
Davistown Museum entry on Phillips
A metallic plow plane incorporating a depthstop. The cutter has two different sized ends, and is reversible. Roger Smith tells an amusing story in PTAMPIA2 about someone finding one of these planes in a town dump.

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