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US Patent: 530,419
Combination tool
Samuel J. Johnston (exact or similar names) - Leesburg, VA

USPTO Classifications:
81/171, 81/177.1, 81/177.8, 81/73

Tool Categories:
wrenches : brace wrenches
work holding : vises
woodworking tools : braces


Peter Lowentraut - Newark, NJ
P. Lowentraut Manufacturing Co. - Newark, NJ

George C. Shoemaker
John H. Siggers
Julius Ulke, Jr.

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jul. 19, 1894
Granted: Dec. 04, 1894

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Samuel J. Johnston patent December 4, 1894
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Manufacturing information from the EAIA's "Directory of American Toolmakers". Besides some information on Lowentraut's markings, DAT says "One of Lowentraut's best known products is a wrench brace with a Dec. 4, 1894 patent apparently issued to an S. J. Johnston, Leesburg, VA. Lowentraut made plumber's tools, box scrapers, punches, and a range of other tools."

Some of the brace wrenches marked with this patent date also incorporate features patented by Johnston in 1898 (pat. no. 601,302). In addition, look at features of the Charles E. Thompson Sept. 29, 1896 patent (no. 568,381).

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