US Patent: 279,032
Hand drilling-machine
George W. Smith (exact or similar names) - Boston, MA |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Dec. 01, 1882 |
Granted: |
Jun. 05, 1883 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
Patent 279,032 - edited image |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
A "roller ratchet." The 1889-08-30 issue of The Railroad Gazette has an illustrated article on page 569 of the SMITH FRICTION DRILL, made by the F. F. Waters Manufacturing Co. of Boston. The illustrations include a cross-section view which matches this patent. Other related articles include mention the design had "four years' extensive testing" before marketing the tool.
SMITH FRICTION DRILL & TOOL Co. apparently supplanted F.F. WATERS MFG. Co., as they both had the same address, and although they were mentioned together in some articles early on, SMITH FRICTION DRILL & TOOL Co. later was listed as maker of drills earlier attributed to F.F. WATERS Mfg. Co.
This patent also was referenced as "G.W. SMITH PAT. JUNE 5, 83" on the ratchet of a ratchet / socket set [which was referenced as early as 1891] matching 1898 Benjamin Smith patent 610,773.
A 1905 list of WALWORTH exhibits at a railroad trade show includes "Smith friction track drills, and "Smith sleeve and boiler ratchets." A 1910 book on "Manual Training" includes "Smith Friction Drill C, with socket wrenches" in a list of recommended tools for a training facility. A 1911 WALWORTH ad includes "Smith's Friction Drill Stocks" among its product listings. |