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US Patent: 5,572X
Forming Web of Wool Cloth Without Spinning or Weaving
Machine for Forming the Web for Cloth, of Wool, Hair, or Other Suitable Substance, Without Spinning or Weaving
John Arnold (exact or similar names) - Norwalk, CT

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty machines : textile machines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jul. 15, 1829

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about this patent. Only the patent drawing is available. This patent is in the database for reference only.

“For a machine for Forming the Web for Cloth of wool, hair, or other suitable substance, without spinning or weaving; John Arnold, Norwalk, Connecticut, July 15.

Two carding machines are to be placed at right angles to each other, in such a way, that whilst the batt from one is received upon an endless cloth, that from the other may be made to cross it at right angles, the latter being cut off by machines for that purpose, at the edges of the former. Instead of cutting, it is proposed, sometimes, to leave a part of the doffing cylinder without cards, so that the batt shall be delivered in proper lengths for crossing. The parts of the machine generally, although differing in their arrangement, are similar in their operation to those for the same purpose which we have recently described.”

Journal of the Franklin Institute Vol. 7, Oct. 1829 pg. 258

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