US Patent: 303,385
Art of Making the Screw And Head For Wrenches Making Screws For Monkey Wrenches
Matthew E. Campfield (exact or similar names) - Cleveland, OH |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Jan. 09, 1884 |
Granted: |
Aug. 12, 1884 |
Patent Pictures:
1 | 2
Matthew E. Campfield patent Aug. 12, 1884 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Stan Schulz
Description: |
The patent is for a method of making the adjusting screw for the monkey wrench described in Campfield's May 9, 1882 patent (no. 257,468).
The "head resembling a gear pinion" appears on Cleveland Screw Wrench Company wrenches with ferules matching the May, 1882 Campfield patent. Campfield is listed as President of the Cleveland Screw Wrench Company in the Cleveland City Directory published in August, 1884. A known example marked with the patent date and "STERLING, O." is evidence for a second manufacturer. Campfield moved to Sterling in 1884, and the Cleveland Screw Wrench Co. succeeded the partnership of Campfield & Sutliff. |