Patents for Matthew E. Campfield |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
99,155 | Jan. 25, 1870 | M.E. Campfield | Improvement in mortising-machine | mortising machines |
166,587 | Aug. 10, 1875 | M.E. Campfield | Improvements in Screw-Wrenches | wrench handle components |
257,468 | May 09, 1882 | M.E. Campfield | Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |
285,796 | Oct. 02, 1883 | M.E. Campfield | Improvements in Blanks for Forging the Hammer-Jaws of Monkey Wrenches | wrench jaw components |
303,385 | Aug. 12, 1884 | M.E. Campfield | Making Screws For Monkey Wrenches | wrench components |
354,770 | Dec. 21, 1886 | M.E. Campfield | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
371,302 | Oct. 11, 1887 | M.E. Campfield | Rapid Transit Monkey Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
380,859 | Apr. 10, 1888 | M.E. Campfield | Combined Nut and Pipe Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
395,213 | Dec. 25, 1888 | M.E. Campfield | Machine For Truing and Dressing Wrench Blanks | |