US Patent: 5,606X
Shears for Shearing Cloth
Samuel A. Britt (exact or similar names) - Cazenovia, Madison County, NY |
Manufacturer: |
Not known to have been produced |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Aug. 10, 1829 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Joel Havens
Description: |
Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about this patent. Only the patent drawing is available. This patent is in the database for reference only.
“For improvement in the shears of a Cloth Shearing Machine; Samuel A. Britt, Cazenovia, Madison County, New York, August 10th.
A cylinder, three or more feet in length, and about three inches in diameter, is surrounded by four blades of steel, which are bent so as to make a quarter of a circle round the cylinder. These blades, or cutters, are each sustained upon springs. The cutters in their revolution pass, and act against, a stationary blade or cutter, performing the operation like ordinary shears.
There is not anything claimed in this invention, and the whole 80 strongly resembles several other patented machines, as to leave us at a fault in the attempt to discover where the improvement lies. The drawing is without references.
Journal of the Franklin Institute Vol. 8, Nov. 1829 pg. 331