US Patent: 38,119
Improvement in drill-bits Twist drill bit
Stephen Ambrose Morse (exact or similar names) - East Bridgewater, MA |
Patent Dates:
Granted: |
Apr. 07, 1863 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Jeff Joslin
Description: |
This patent marks the invention of the modern twist drill bit. See patent 6,088 for a previous effort at producing a twist drill. Morse's innovation was in orienting the flutes to produce a straight cutting edge with an acute included angle so that it cuts, rather than scrapes, the metal being drilled. It is remarkable how little drill bits have changed in form since this patent was issued.The 1866 Boston Directory from Sampson, Davenport & Co. has a full-page ad from the Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co., New Bedford, Mass., "Manufacturers of Morse's Patent Straight-Lip Increase-Twist drills". |