US Patent: 143,496
Improvement in nail-extractors
George J. Capewell (exact or similar names) - Cheshire, CT |
Patent Dates:
Applied: |
Apr. 11, 1873 |
Granted: |
Oct. 07, 1873 |
USPTO (New site tip) Google Patents
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Jeff Joslin
Description: |
"I hereby disclaim the reissued Letters Patent granted Geo. J. Capewell for improved nail-extractor, bearing date, originally the 16th day of July 1872, and numbered 129,210.""The invention more particularly relates to nail-extractors constructed substantially in accordance with Letters Patent granted to me on the 16th day of July, 1872; but in the nail extractor described and shown in said patent the whole of the percussive force was received on a plug screwed into the lower end of a hollow cylindrical stem; and since, in the course of time and with continued ramming, this plug might become detached and the instrument rendered useless, the object of this present invention is to obviate any liability to such an accident, and also to so affix the spring by which the movable jaw is actuated in such position that its accidental derangement is rendered impossible..." |