Patents for George J. Capewell |
Patents 1 -
of 19
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
97,877 | Dec. 14, 1869 | G.J. Capewell | Improvement in Wrench and Saw-Set Combined | combination tools |
98,847 | Jan. 18, 1870 | G.J. Capewell | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
114,759 | May 16, 1871 | G.J. Capewell | Improvement in Combined Tools | combination tools |
128,948 | Jul. 16, 1872 | G.J. Capewell | Button | |
128,949 | Jul. 16, 1872 | G.J. Capewell | Buttons | |
128,950 | Jul. 16, 1872 | G.J. Capewell | Devices for Attaching Buttons To Garments | spiral screwdrivers |
129,210 | Jul. 16, 1872 | G.J. Capewell | Improvement in nail-extractors | nail extractors |
GB-187,300,064 | Jan. 06, 1873 | G.J. Capewell | Nail extractors | nail extractors |
RE5,502 | Jul. 29, 1873 | G.J. Capewell | Improvement in nail-extractors | nail extractors |
143,496 | Oct. 07, 1873 | G.J. Capewell | Improvement in nail-extractors | nail extractors |
144,953 | Nov. 25, 1873 | G.J. Capewell | Improvement in tack-hammers | nail extractors |
358,540 | Mar. 01, 1887 | G.J. Capewell | Nail Extractor | nail extractors |
GB-188,703,156 | Mar. 01, 1887 | G.J. Capewell | Nail Extractor | nail extractors |
501,919 | Jul. 25, 1893 | G.J. Capewell | Tack-puller | nail extractors |
519,033 | May 01, 1894 | G.J. Capewell | Combination Tool | nail extractors |