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CA Patent: CA-852
Improvements in heating stoves
Charles Gurney (exact or similar names) - Hamilton, ON Canada
Edward Gurney (exact or similar names) - Hamilton, ON Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
specialty machines : heating apparatus


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 10, 1871

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This patent is a reissue of an earlier patent. According to a hand-written note on the patent jacket, "The requisite (???) have been observed in this case to entitle the patentee to the issue of a new patent in the (???) of that which is deemed defective. As to the propriety of such issues, that rests with the Commissioner who will I presume for such purpose compare the present specification and drawing with those which are said to be defection or inoperative. H. Bernard." Bernard was the Deputy Minster of Justice and signed all the patent documents on behalf of Minister of Justice John A. MacDonald, who was also the Prime Minister.

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