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Patents Granted on 1825-09-??
Patents 1 - 15 of 48
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4,174XSep. 09, 1825W. HoytThrashing machinemiller
4,175XSep. 09, 1825E. GodfreyPlaster called the three fold cementplasterer
4,176XSep. 09, 1825W. SmallThrashing grainmiller
4,177XSep. 09, 1825S. LaneCorn shelling machinemiller
4,178XSep. 09, 1825R. ConantMachine for making window shades, etc.
4,179XSep. 09, 1825J.P. BakewellMethod of Making Glass Furniturefurniture
4,180XSep. 09, 1825E. ClarkePropelling carriages by steam
4,181XSep. 09, 1825P. WilliamsonPlane-Ironplane blades
4,182XSep. 09, 1825J. ScholfieldLoomlooms
4,183XSep. 09, 1825J. MeredithBending tire or hoop for wagon wheelstire bending tools
4,184XSep. 09, 1825J. Barton, Jr.Roller applied to springs of pleasure wagons
4,185XSep. 09, 1825E.C. GenetFender to protect steam boatsboats and ships
4,186XSep. 09, 1825E. TerryWooden wheeled 30 hour clocksclockmaker
4,187XSep. 09, 1825J. WickesDelineator for giving facsimiles
4,188XSep. 09, 1825J.J. EddyBellows for forges, etc.blacksmith
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