Patents Granted on 1816-08-?? |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,654X | Aug. 01, 1816 | J. Reed | Machine for making tacks | |
2,655X | Aug. 06, 1816 | L. Johnson | Machine for drawing plough | plows |
GB-181,604,057 | Aug. 14, 1816 | W. Moult | Improved method of acting upon machinery | pumps |
2,656X | Aug. 20, 1816 | W. Goodrich | Improvement in making hats | |
2,657X | Aug. 22, 1816 | F. Biemler | Mode of greasing the axletrees of carriages | |
2,658X | Aug. 22, 1816 | J. Hulton (Hilton) | Steam engine | steam engines |
2,659X | Aug. 22, 1816 | B. Webb | Churn | churns |
2,660X | Aug. 22, 1816 | A. Porter | Stocking loom | looms |
2,661X | Aug. 22, 1816 | J. Edwards | Imprinting and forming colored figures on hard substances | |
2,662X | Aug. 23, 1816 | J. Sprinkle | Machine for spinning cotton and wool | thread spinners |
2,663X | Aug. 24, 1816 | L. Henry | Machine for ruling paper | ruling machines |
2,664X | Aug. 30, 1816 | S. Chapman | Loom | looms |
2,665X | Aug. 31, 1816 | I. Power, T. Power | Improvement in stoves | stoves |
GB-181,604,062 | Aug. 31, 1816 | J. Barton | Certain improvement in pistons | piston ring and packing |