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Patents Granted on 1818-06-??
Patents 1 - 14 of 14
First set of recordsLast set of records
2,960XJun. 02, 1818J. BedfordNailing on the soles of boots and shoesnail making machines
FX-2,960Jun. 02, 1818J.S. TrottScrew propellernautical propulsion apparatus
2,961XJun. 06, 1818T. KearsingMachine for propelling boatsnautical propulsion apparatus
2,962XJun. 09, 1818M. ElliotArranging Music to Printed Booksmusical notation
2,963XJun. 09, 1818B. SmithMills for coffee, bark, seed etc.coffee mills
2,964XJun. 10, 1818A. WheelerGun, rifle, etc to discharge seven or more timesrifles
2,965XJun. 10, 1818J. Hendrick (Kendrick)Submarine ploughingplows
2,966XJun. 11, 1818N.A. LeteImprovement in music
2,967XJun. 12, 1818J. BrownSpinning and roping machinespinner
2,968XJun. 12, 1818W. HendrickPumppumps
2,969XJun. 13, 1818J.G. Brethler (Breithler)Machine for grinding sugar canesugar cane apparatus
2,970XJun. 17, 1818S. Dwight, J. DwightMachine for sawing stonestone cutting machines
2,971XJun. 23, 1818G. MungerManufacturing common salt
2,972XJun. 29, 1818L.M. De Sprangh (Spraugh)Tachygraphy, or the flying penwriting instruments
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