Patents Granted on 1813-05-?? |
Patents 1 -
of 21
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-181,303,688 | May 01, 1813 | S. Evans | Giving motion to mill-work and machinery | water power |
1,916X | May 04, 1813 | J. Sloat | Machine for cutting screws | |
1,917X | May 04, 1813 | J. James (Janus), III | Machine for winnowing grain | winnowing machines |
1,918X | May 04, 1813 | T. Blanchard | Horizontal shearing machine | splitting and shearing machinery |
1,919X | May 04, 1813 | D. Nine, Jr. | Carriage to be moved by hand | |
1,920X | May 06, 1813 | I. Millard | Flax and hemp breaking | flax and hemp machines |
1,921X | May 06, 1813 | D. Pettibone | Manufacturing plane irons and scythes | plane maker |
1,922X | May 06, 1813 | J. Smelzer | Flour worm for cooling flour (millstone exhaust) | miller |
1,923X | May 10, 1813 | J.I. Staples | Machine for drawing wire | |
1,924X | May 11, 1813 | J. Lloyd | Liquid combustible shell grenade and serpentine rocket | rockets and grenades |
1,925X | May 12, 1813 | J. Brown | Farmer's spinner, for roping and spinning wool | spinner |
1,926X | May 12, 1813 | P. Williamson | Machine for shot and bullets | gunsmith |
GB-181,303,700 | May 22, 1813 | W. Brunton | Machinery for propelling carriages upon roads or railways by legs | motor vehicles |
1,927X | May 27, 1813 | S. Briggs | Loom | looms |
1,928X | May 27, 1813 | J. Mathes | Raising a nap on cloth | |