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Patents Granted on 1816-03-??
Patents 1 - 15 of 22
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
2,443XMar. 01, 1816W. AdamsFan for cleaning wheatmiller
2,444XMar. 01, 1816A. Matthews, S.H. WoodruffComposition for making wire eyed buttons
GB-181,603,988Mar. 02, 1816B. DonkinApplying temperature above that of boiling water
2,445XMar. 04, 1816E. BeanCorn dressing ploughplows
2,446XMar. 04, 1816W. PriceGlass makingglassmaker
2,447XMar. 05, 1816J. GreenOvershot water wheelwater wheels
2,448XMar. 06, 1816E. RobinsonSpool framespinner
2,449XMar. 07, 1816J. MorrisBlock Tin Cock Stopwater valves
2,450XMar. 09, 1816J. Wilson (Willson)Franklin stovestoves
2,451XMar. 09, 1816P. MoodyWinding yarn from bobbins or spoolsspinner
2,452XMar. 11, 1816S. WeaverFan for wheatmiller
2,453XMar. 14, 1816G. DrakeThe shoemakercobbler
2,454XMar. 14, 1816J. StephensSliders for steam enginessteam engines
2,455XMar. 14, 1816F.A. RussellNail machinenail making machines
2,456XMar. 15, 1816S. BrewsterSaw millssawmills
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