Patents Granted on 1803-02-?? |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
420X | Feb. 01, 1803 | J. Moffat | Boiler for accelerating the evaporation of liquids | stationary boilers |
421X | Feb. 01, 1803 | J. Moffat | Improvement in Stills | steam stills |
422X | Feb. 01, 1803 | B. Cooley | Machine for raising water | water elevators |
423X | Feb. 01, 1803 | J. Peasley | Manufacturing Marle into Lime | manufacturing lime |
424X | Feb. 11, 1803 | C.J. Hutter | Making Brandy Out of All Kinds of Grain or Fruit | distilling |
425X | Feb. 14, 1803 | M. Coates | Machine for paring applies | apple parers |
426X | Feb. 14, 1803 | A. Stowell | Auger Gage | auger bits |
427X | Feb. 14, 1803 | O. Bartlett, G. Bartlett, O. Bartlett | Machine for making hot wrought nails | nail making machines |