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Patents Granted on 1824-10-??
Patents 1 - 10 of 10
First set of recordsLast set of records
3,949XOct. 05, 1824E. Wadsworth, J.A. WadsworthDouble stitched selvage
3,950XOct. 05, 1824F. PriceWool and cotton spinnerspinner
3,951XOct. 06, 1824R.B. RichardsonSaws for cutting veneersveneer machines
3,952XOct. 08, 1824J.L. LewisCasting ornamental borders
3,953XOct. 09, 1824N.H. ShawMethod of propelling an inclined wheel
3,954XOct. 11, 1824T.B. SmithBedsteads put together with right and left screws
3,955XOct. 15, 1824J. BruceScarfing and rolling the scalps for gun barrelsgunsmith
3,956XOct. 21, 1824N. BriggsFastening window shutters or blinds
3,957XOct. 21, 1824A. HolmesMachine for raising weights
3,958XOct. 23, 1824J. StephensMode of constructing rail roads
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