Patents Granted on 1824-10-?? |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,949X | Oct. 05, 1824 | E. Wadsworth, J.A. Wadsworth | Double stitched selvage | |
3,950X | Oct. 05, 1824 | F. Price | Wool and cotton spinner | spinner |
3,951X | Oct. 06, 1824 | R.B. Richardson | Saws for cutting veneers | veneer machines |
3,952X | Oct. 08, 1824 | J.L. Lewis | Casting ornamental borders | |
3,953X | Oct. 09, 1824 | N.H. Shaw | Method of propelling an inclined wheel | |
3,954X | Oct. 11, 1824 | T.B. Smith | Bedsteads put together with right and left screws | |
3,955X | Oct. 15, 1824 | J. Bruce | Scarfing and rolling the scalps for gun barrels | gunsmith |
3,956X | Oct. 21, 1824 | N. Briggs | Fastening window shutters or blinds | |
3,957X | Oct. 21, 1824 | A. Holmes | Machine for raising weights | |
3,958X | Oct. 23, 1824 | J. Stephens | Mode of constructing rail roads | |