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Patents Granted on 1883-01-23
Patents 1 - 15 of 20
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
CA-16,180Jan. 23, 1883W.S. MayoImprovements on tonguing and grooving machinesmatchers
270,897Jan. 23, 1883C. HammelmannFan-blowerblacksmith
270,916Jan. 23, 1883W. Baker, J.F. ThomasDevice for Truing Axlesportable turning tools
270,925Jan. 23, 1883J. Welman, W.W. BeaumontApparatus for Cutting Stonestone cutting machines
270,951Jan. 23, 1883J.W. HarmonArtificer's Levellevels
270,977Jan. 23, 1883I.T. PayneAugerauger bits
270,999Jan. 23, 1883E.J. Taylor, C.L. PagenhartRoad Enginesteam road engines
271,000Jan. 23, 1883T.B. TaylorCombination Tool For Housekeeperscombination tools
271,014Jan. 23, 1883J.G. AustinCombo saw, scroll-saw, lathe, and drillscrollsaws
271,018Jan. 23, 1883D.K. BarnhartSaw-table gagetablesaw accessories
271,043Jan. 23, 1883J.H. DavisImprovements in Methods of Manufacturing Cast Jointed Toolspliers
271,053Jan. 23, 1883D.S. ForceMachine for making dowel-pinsdowel making machines
271,054Jan. 23, 1883A.C. FowlerRevolving Table Topdesks and tables
271,056Jan. 23, 1883E.H. GabusCrosscut-sawcrosscut saws
271,128Jan. 23, 1883J.W. RomansCenter Square & Bevelcenter marking gauges
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