Patents Granted on 1957-07-02 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
CA-543,077 | Jul. 02, 1957 | C.E. Greene, W.V. Sturm | Dual automatic cycle machine | metal lathes |
2,797,488 | Jul. 02, 1957 | P. Saretto, C. Willrich, S. Fasano | Turret Indicator and Stop | turret lathes |
2,797,489 | Jul. 02, 1957 | J.G. Roe | Tape Measure | tape measures |
2,797,531 | Jul. 02, 1957 | E.Y. Seborg | Honing machine with automatic gaging device | honing machines |
2,797,600 | Jul. 02, 1957 | B.K. Beaver | Ratchet Type Movable Jaw Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
2,797,635 | Jul. 02, 1957 | E.W. Kopke | Cane Crushing Mill | sugar cane apparatus |
2,797,717 | Jul. 02, 1957 | J.H. Budd | Chain saw for cutting brush and small trees | other wood sawing machines |
2,797,799 | Jul. 02, 1957 | W.A. Ehlert | Apparatus for Drawing Wire and Operating Thereon | wire drawing machines |
2,797,817 | Jul. 02, 1957 | A.E. Schugarman | Display and Storage Rack | |