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Patents Granted on 1881-10-18
Patents 1 - 12 of 12
First set of recordsLast set of records
248,267Oct. 18, 1881G.C. AveryMachine for bending woodwood bending machines
248,301Oct. 18, 1881W. FullerBoiler Injectorwater injectors
248,371Oct. 18, 1881F. WhaleyLathemetal lathes
248,412Oct. 18, 1881W.H. DoaneTenoning machinetenoning machines
248,435Oct. 18, 1881T.A. EdisonUtilizing Electricity as Motive PowerDC motors
248,460Oct. 18, 1881I.A. HarrisWeather-Board Gageclapboard markers
248,463Oct. 18, 1881N. HarveySaw setsaw sets
248,470Oct. 18, 1881W.A. IvesBit-stockhand drills
248,508Oct. 18, 1881N. SaundersBoring-machineportable timber borers
248,531Oct. 18, 1881C.M. TrautmannVelocipedebicycles and tricycles
248,539Oct. 18, 1881A.A. WilderSafety attachment and governor for elevatorselevators and lifts
248,550Oct. 18, 1881G.C. AveryMachine for cutting or dressing plow-handlesspecialty woodworking machines
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