All Patents of Type: pipes |
Patents 1 -
of 36
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
474X | Jul. 21, 1803 | D. Lownes | Method of securing leaden or other pipes from frost | pipes |
637X | Oct. 01, 1805 | S. Bartlett | Clay pipes for conduits | pipes |
893X | Jun. 24, 1808 | R. Ramsey | Making conduit pipes from clay | pipes |
968X | Dec. 26, 1808 | W. Badger | Mode of casting pipes or tubes | pipes |
GB-181,203,611 | Oct. 31, 1812 | J. Bramah | Method of organizing and constructing water mains and other pipes | pipes |
2,106X | Apr. 18, 1814 | A. Todd | Making lead pipes for conveying water | pipes |
2,715X | Dec. 31, 1816 | E. Putnam | Mode of preventing the waste of water in conduit pipes | pipes |
3,024X | Nov. 18, 1818 | E. Putnam | Conduit pipes | pipes |
3,040X | Dec. 18, 1818 | L. Crowell, J. Clark | Conduit pipes | pipes |
3,309X | Mar. 19, 1821 | T.B. Robbins | Making aqueduct pipes | pipes |
3,549X | Jul. 05, 1822 | R. Ward | Mode of making leaden pipes | pipes |
4,163X | Jun. 29, 1825 | H. Cunningham | Method of applying ice to conduit pipes | pipes |
4,591X | Dec. 01, 1826 | J. Bower | Mode of making clay pipes | pipes |
4,640X | Jan. 17, 1827 | J. Putnam | Mode of making pipes, tubes, etc. | pipes |
5,090X | Apr. 29, 1828 | T. Packard | Process of testing leaden pipes for conveying water | pipes |