All Patents of Type: brushes or brooms |
Patents 1 -
of 24
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,335X | Jul. 10, 1810 | V. Bogenreiff | Machine for boring blocks for cartouch boxes, brushes, etc. | brush making machinery |
1,781X | Jul. 27, 1812 | S. Hart | Machine for brushing and finishing cloth | brush making machinery |
3,063X | Feb. 03, 1819 | S.H. Weed | Machine for making brooms | brushes or brooms |
3,153X | Dec. 21, 1819 | B. Croasdale | Improvement in making brushes from broom corn | brushes or brooms |
3,819X | Feb. 25, 1824 | S. Costill | Machine for making brush blocks | brushes or brooms |
4,042X | Feb. 28, 1825 | S.(. Weed | Making brushes and brooms of grasses | brushes or brooms |
4,335X | Feb. 15, 1826 | A. Schlater | Shape and formation of hickory brooms and brushes | brushes or brooms |
5,371X | Feb. 16, 1829 | D. Wooster | Making brooms or brushes | brushes or brooms |
5,864X | Mar. 08, 1830 | P. Blake | Tooth brush | brushes or brooms |
5,994X | May 24, 1830 | H. Aiken | Cloth Brush | brushes or brooms |
6,798X | Oct. 15, 1831 | J.S. Billings, B.J. Billings | Machine for Scraping Broom Corn | brushes or brooms |
7,069X | May 18, 1832 | E. Turk | Brush, brooms and other handles | brushes or brooms |
8,762X | Apr. 14, 1835 | J.B. Burgess | Hair brush | brushes or brooms |
9,098X | Sep. 18, 1835 | W.W. Calvert | Wool or flax to brush into teeth | brushes or brooms |
9,663X | May 17, 1836 | R. Kinsley | Brooms and brushes | brushes or brooms |