All Patents of Type: screw machines |
Patents 1 -
of 187
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-163,400,044 | Jul. 13, 1628 | A. Rotsipen | Instruments for cutting, polishing, filing, turning, boring, grinding, sawing, and planing metals for cutting screws, for making files and bullets, for making and rifling barrels, for pressing or printing, and a hammer moved by water or horse power | screw machines |
GB-163,400,071 | Jun. 24, 1634 | A. Rotsipen | Rotsipen's engine for cutting iron or steel, also for cutting screws, &c. | screw machines |
220X | Dec. 14, 1798 | D. Wilkinson | Machine for cutting screws | screw machines |
1,900X | Mar. 23, 1813 | J. Perkins | Machine for making screw shanks | nail making machines |
2,284X | Mar. 30, 1815 | J. Mason | Machine for cutting and heading screws | screw machines |
2,823X | Aug. 08, 1817 | D. Treadwell, P. Dow | Screw machine | screw machines |
6,441X | Apr. 01, 1831 | H. Knowles | Improved mode of manufacturing wood-screws | screw machines |
9,398X | Feb. 13, 1836 | W. Keane | Improvement in Machines for Cutting Wood and Other Screws | screw machines |
148 | Mar. 25, 1837 | T.W. Harvey | Improvements in Machines for Nicking and Turning the Heads of Wood-Screws | screw machines |
149 | Mar. 25, 1837 | T.W. Harvey | Machine for Cutting and Heading Wire for the Manufacture of Wood-Screws | screw machines |
516 | Dec. 15, 1837 | C.O. Read | Machine for Making Wood Screws | screw machines |
RE2 | Apr. 16, 1838 | W. Keane | Improvement in Machines for Cutting Wood and Other Screws | screw machines |
830 | Jul. 09, 1838 | T. Keane, J. Keane | Machine for cutting wood-screws | screw machines |
1,411 | Nov. 16, 1839 | H. Crum | Making wood screws | screw machines |
2,453 | Feb. 07, 1842 | J. Walter, L.D. Walter | Machine for Making Screws | screw machines |