All Patents of Type: drill presses |
Patents 1 -
of 545
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-183,506,850 | Jun. 11, 1835 | J. Whitworth | Tools or apparatus for boring metals and other materials; machinery for boring metals; machinery for planing and cutting metals and other materials | drill presses |
GB-183,707,332 | Mar. 28, 1837 | J. Whitworth | Tools or apparatus for boring metals and other materials; machinery for boring metals; machinery for planing and cutting metals and other materials | drill presses |
GB-183,707,441 | Oct. 05, 1837 | J. Whitworth | Tools or apparatus for boring metals and other materials; machinery for boring metals; machinery, tools or apparatus for planing and cutting metals and other materials | drill presses |
GB-183,908,188 | Aug. 07, 1839 | J. Whitworth | Machinery for planing and cutting metals or other substances; machinery for drilling metals | metal planers |
2,961 | Feb. 20, 1843 | R.H. Springsteed | Metal Drill | drill presses |
3,609 | May 30, 1844 | A. Morgan | Metal Drill | drill presses |
8,554 | Dec. 02, 1851 | W. Bushnell | Hand-drill | drill presses |
9,441 | Dec. 07, 1852 | C.W. Coe | Drilling-machine | drill presses |
13,383 | Aug. 07, 1855 | T. Newby, J. Conner | Machine-drill | drill presses |
XC-552 | Sep. 19, 1855 | C.W. Coe | Machine for drilling holes (and other operations) in metals | drill presses |
13,766 | Nov. 06, 1855 | S.W. Shryock | Drilling and Boring Machine | drill presses |
13,845 | Nov. 27, 1855 | J.P. Heacock | Drilling and Screw-Cutting Machine | drill presses |
20,385 | May 25, 1858 | H. Woodman | Power and hand drill | drill presses |
24,045 | May 17, 1859 | J. Murphy | Metal-drill | drill presses |
XC-970 | Jun. 22, 1859 | G. White | An improved machine for drilling iron and other metals | drill presses |