All Patents of Type: drilling and boring |
Patents 1 -
of 334
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
321X | Mar. 16, 1801 | R. Weems | Boring machine for posts | drilling and boring |
702X | Jul. 07, 1806 | R. Selden | Machine for perpendicular boring for manufacturing pumps | drilling and boring |
899X | Jul. 09, 1808 | R. Ramsay | Pressing and boring machine | drilling and boring |
1,229X | Mar. 08, 1810 | B. Hall | Ship carpenter's boring machines | drilling and boring |
1,230X | Mar. 08, 1810 | B. Hall | Mitre point borer | drilling and boring |
1,705X | Apr. 08, 1812 | N. Gillet, J. Smith | Boring machine | drilling and boring |
1,730X | May 12, 1812 | D. Sperry | Boring hubs and felloes of wheels | drilling and boring |
2,064X | Feb. 12, 1814 | D. Pettibone | Boring guns and pistols with twisted screw auger | drilling and boring |
NX-182,309,191 | Sep. 19, 1823 | D. Johnson | Machine for boring holes in chairs | drilling and boring |
NX-3,856 | Apr. 24, 1824 | D. Johnson | Machine for boring holes in chairs | drilling and boring |
4,402X | Apr. 17, 1826 | A. Warren | Boring and tenoning machine (combined lathe) | drilling and boring |
4,563X | Nov. 07, 1826 | E. Johnson | Machine for boring and reaming out the hubs of wheels | drilling and boring |
5,052X | Mar. 31, 1828 | S. Draper | Machine for boring pump logs | drilling and boring |
6,001X | May 27, 1830 | B. Overman | Sawing, mortising, tenoning, boring and grooving machine | drilling and boring |
6,301X | Dec. 21, 1830 | J. Beckwith | Boring timber | drilling and boring |