All Patents of Type: metal planers |
Patents 1 -
of 332
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-183,506,850 | Jun. 11, 1835 | J. Whitworth | Tools or apparatus for boring metals and other materials; machinery for boring metals; machinery for planing and cutting metals and other materials | drill presses |
GB-183,707,332 | Mar. 28, 1837 | J. Whitworth | Tools or apparatus for boring metals and other materials; machinery for boring metals; machinery for planing and cutting metals and other materials | drill presses |
GB-183,707,441 | Oct. 05, 1837 | J. Whitworth | Tools or apparatus for boring metals and other materials; machinery for boring metals; machinery, tools or apparatus for planing and cutting metals and other materials | drill presses |
GB-183,908,188 | Aug. 07, 1839 | J. Whitworth | Machinery for planing and cutting metals or other substances; machinery for drilling metals | metal planers |
GB-184,008,705 | Nov. 17, 1840 | J. Whitworth | Machinery or apparatus for cutting and shaping metals or other substances | metal planers |
3,863 | Dec. 19, 1844 | G. Stickney | Machine for Planing or Dressing the Knuckles of Butt-Hinges on Their Inner Sides | metal planers |
7,852 | Dec. 24, 1850 | T.H. Burridge | Means for Preventing BackLash in the Feed-Motion of Planing Machines | metal planers |
9,996 | Sep. 06, 1853 | W.W. Spafford | Machinery for Planing Metals | metal planers |
11,463 | Aug. 01, 1854 | D.F. Mellen | Machine for Planing Metals | metal planers |
12,076 | Dec. 12, 1854 | J. Stever | Machine for Scraping Metals | metal planers |
12,767 | Apr. 24, 1855 | J.H. Thompson | Machine for Planing Metals | metal planers |
15,379 | Jul. 22, 1856 | J. Mason | Improved Cutter Stock for Metal Planers | metal planers |
15,403 | Jul. 22, 1856 | A. Lockwood | Planing Machine | metal planers |
15,413 | Jul. 29, 1856 | E.C. Cleveland | Planing Metal | metal planers |
15,538 | Aug. 12, 1856 | C. Van Horn | Planing Metal | metal planers |