All Patents of Type: metal lathes |
Patents 1 -
of 626
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
GB-180,602,948 | Jul. 24, 1806 | B. Donkin, H. Maudslay | Combining wheel work to produce required ratio between weight and first mover | industrial machine gearing |
GB-181,203,590 | Aug. 03, 1812 | H. Osborn | Closing skelps preparatory to making gun-barrels | gunsmith |
2,248X | Jan. 04, 1815 | L. Meriam | Lathe for polishing buttons, etc. | button making machinery |
2,291X | Apr. 12, 1815 | W. Lawrence | Pin lathe for buttons | button making machinery |
6,734X | Aug. 26, 1831 | J. Webster, E. Skinner | Vertical lathe mill | metal lathes |
7,110X | Jun. 07, 1832 | D.H. Mason | Figure lathe to prevent counterfeiting | metal lathes |
8,831X | May 22, 1835 | D.M. Cradit | Lathe cutting machine | metal lathes |
GB-183,908,196 | Aug. 15, 1839 | J. Mason | Improvements in machinery for boring and turning metals and other substances | metal lathes |
3,805 | Oct. 24, 1844 | E. Tucker | Turning Irregular Forms | metal lathes |
6,755 | Oct. 02, 1849 | W.A. Chapin | Varying the Speed of Mandrels in Lathes | metal lathes |
7,311 | Apr. 23, 1850 | H.G. Thompson | Lathe for making pistons for rotary steam-engines | metal lathes |
9,092 | Jul. 06, 1852 | J.S. Brown | Turning Engine | metal lathes |
GB-185,301,410 | Sep. 01, 1853 | W. Muir | Improvements in turning lathes, a part of which improvements is applicable to other useful purposes | metal lathes |
10,582 | Feb. 28, 1854 | G.A. Rollins | Tool Rest | metal lathes |
10,946 | May 23, 1854 | C. Tyler, P. Teal | Lathe for Turning the Interior Surface of Hollow Ware | metal lathes |