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All Patents of Type: metal lathes
Patents 1 - 15 of 626
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GB-180,602,948Jul. 24, 1806B. Donkin, H. MaudslayCombining wheel work to produce required ratio between weight and first moverindustrial machine gearing
GB-181,203,590Aug. 03, 1812H. OsbornClosing skelps preparatory to making gun-barrelsgunsmith
2,248XJan. 04, 1815L. MeriamLathe for polishing buttons, etc.button making machinery
2,291XApr. 12, 1815W. LawrencePin lathe for buttonsbutton making machinery
6,734XAug. 26, 1831J. Webster, E. SkinnerVertical lathe millmetal lathes
7,110XJun. 07, 1832D.H. MasonFigure lathe to prevent counterfeitingmetal lathes
8,831XMay 22, 1835D.M. CraditLathe cutting machinemetal lathes
GB-183,908,196Aug. 15, 1839J. MasonImprovements in machinery for boring and turning metals and other substancesmetal lathes
3,805Oct. 24, 1844E. TuckerTurning Irregular Formsmetal lathes
6,755Oct. 02, 1849W.A. ChapinVarying the Speed of Mandrels in Lathesmetal lathes
7,311Apr. 23, 1850H.G. ThompsonLathe for making pistons for rotary steam-enginesmetal lathes
9,092Jul. 06, 1852J.S. BrownTurning Enginemetal lathes
GB-185,301,410Sep. 01, 1853W. MuirImprovements in turning lathes, a part of which improvements is applicable to other useful purposesmetal lathes
10,582Feb. 28, 1854G.A. RollinsTool Restmetal lathes
10,946May 23, 1854C. Tyler, P. TealLathe for Turning the Interior Surface of Hollow Waremetal lathes
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