All Patents of Type: forges |
Patents 1 -
of 45
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
NX-182,308,213 | Aug. 21, 1823 | L. Gillet | Backs for forges and furnaces | forges |
14,575 | Apr. 01, 1856 | A. Bannon, W. Rogers | Forge-Fire | forges |
XC-767 | Aug. 19, 1857 | G. Campbell | "Hecla" portable forge | forges |
46,792 | Mar. 14, 1865 | J.H. Gould | Blacksmith's Forge | forges |
73,502 | Jan. 21, 1868 | R.W. Clark | Forge Hearth | forges |
120,764 | Nov. 07, 1871 | J.R. Morris | Improvement in Gas-Furnaces and Forges | forges |
147,602 | Feb. 17, 1874 | T.E. Allen, S.A. Case | Smith's Forges | forges |
GB-187,904,663 | Dec. 05, 1879 | W. Allday | Improvements in Portable Fan Forges or Hearths and Other Forges or Hearths | forges |
285,224 | Sep. 18, 1883 | G. Campbell | Forge | forges |
299,448 | May 27, 1884 | J.F. Winchell | Forge | forges |
326,006 | Sep. 08, 1885 | J.F. Winchell | Adjustable leg for forges | forges |
421,901 | Feb. 25, 1890 | F. Breher | Fire Bowl for Blacksmith's Forges | forges |
424,069 | Mar. 25, 1890 | J. Malone | Blacksmith's Forge | forges |
488,235 | Dec. 20, 1892 | G.H. Webb | Center Piece for the Grates of Forge Furnaces | forges |
490,732 | Jan. 31, 1893 | F.W. Althen | Forge | forges |