All Patents of Type: forging machines |
Patents 1 -
of 42
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
68,555 | Sep. 03, 1867 | O.C. Burdict | Improved machine for heading bolts | nut or bolt making machines |
XC-2,561 | Apr. 08, 1868 | H.T. Walters | Forging machine | forging machines |
97,351 | Nov. 30, 1869 | O.C. Burdict | Improved bolt-heading machine | nut or bolt making machines |
144,986 | Nov. 25, 1873 | W. T.Kellogg | Improvement in blacksmiths' forges | forging machines |
258,641 | May 30, 1882 | G. Golcher, J.T. Golcher | Machine for Forging Carriage Bolts | forging machines |
280,824 | Jul. 10, 1883 | J.P. Holt | Portable forge | forging machines |
285,876 | Oct. 02, 1883 | O.C. Burdict | Bolt-forging machine | nut or bolt making machines |
330,901 | Nov. 24, 1885 | H.J. Johnson | Machine for forging bolt-blanks | nut or bolt making machines |
337,504 | Mar. 09, 1886 | J. Kritch | Die for Forging Axles | forging machines |
386,771 | Jul. 24, 1888 | G. Cumming | Portable forge | forging machines |
389,305 | Sep. 11, 1888 | W. T.Kellogg | Portable forge | forging machines |
403,586 | May 21, 1889 | J.A. Hamer | Forging Machine | forging machines |
418,631 | Dec. 31, 1889 | A. Weed | Forming articles of metal | forging machines |
430,029 | Jun. 10, 1890 | W.H. Johnson | Forging Machine | forging machines |
443,284 | Dec. 23, 1890 | W. T.Kellogg | Mechanism for converting motion | forging machines |