All Patents of Type: trade specific |
Patents 1 -
of 30
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,292X | Apr. 28, 1810 | J. Nicholson | Casting metal screws | trade specific |
1,330X | Jun. 30, 1810 | J. Frisbie | Mode of constructing mills | trade specific |
1,331X | Jul. 03, 1810 | G.A. Rogers | Mode of casting hinges | trade specific |
1,483X | Mar. 30, 1811 | C. Alger | mode of casting large iron rollers for rolling iron | trade specific |
1,604X | Nov. 04, 1811 | L. Larrabee | Casting metallic boxes or centres of shieves or trundles for pulleys | trade specific |
1,605X | Nov. 06, 1811 | J. Sizer | Machine for basoning, hardening and steaming hats | trade specific |
2,361X | Aug. 10, 1815 | E.G. Griffin (Griffing) | Machine for bowing wool or fur for hatters | trade specific |
2,609X | Jun. 12, 1816 | H. Worall (Worrall) | Moulding and casting the sheaves of pulley blocks | block and tackles |
3,943X | Sep. 16, 1824 | H.V. Raymond | Applying steam boilers to hatters grates | stationary boilers |
4,256X | Nov. 08, 1825 | M. Burt | Apparatus used in dying hats | trade specific |
4,302X | Dec. 31, 1825 | L.L. Macomber | Mode of planking wool hats by machinery | trade specific |
4,482X | Jun. 24, 1826 | W. Ross | Machine for planting and working indian corn | trade specific |
4,646X | Jan. 31, 1827 | R. Bacon | Machine for planking hats | trade specific |
4,692X | Mar. 03, 1827 | B.P. Grinnell, H.P. Babbit, S. Davis | Making watch seals | trade specific |
4,707X | Mar. 15, 1827 | J.C. Seely | Mode of making hatters' cards or jacks | trade specific |