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Patents for George M. Hopkins
Patents 1 - 10 of 10
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284,555Sep. 04, 1883G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
284,556Sep. 04, 1883G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
284,557Sep. 04, 1883G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
284,851Sep. 11, 1883I.N. Hopkins, G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
305,452Sep. 23, 1884I.N. Hopkins, G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
306,254Oct. 07, 1884G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
326,561Sep. 22, 1885G.M. Hopkins, L.N. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
326,562Sep. 22, 1885L.N. Hopkins, G.M. HopkinsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
388,873Sep. 04, 1888G.M. HopkinsSteam Generatorstationary boilers
521,713Jun. 19, 1894G.M. HopkinsTurbineturbine water wheels
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