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Patents for Thomas W. Harvey
Patents 1 - 12 of 12
First set of recordsLast set of records
6,909XJan. 24, 1832T.W. HarveyManufacturing wrought nailsnail making machines
7,021XApr. 27, 1832T.W. HarveyRotary toggle point press (cotton press)cotton presses
7,629XJun. 29, 1833T.W. HarveyHeading screws and rivetsrivet making machines
7,753XSep. 13, 1833T.W. HarveyGrooved and flanched nails and spikesnail making machines
9,278XDec. 02, 1835T.W. Harvey, F. GoodellPower Loom for Weaving Stock Frameslooms
148Mar. 25, 1837T.W. HarveyImprovements in Machines for Nicking and Turning the Heads of Wood-Screwsscrew machines
149Mar. 25, 1837T.W. HarveyMachine for Cutting and Heading Wire for the Manufacture of Wood-Screwsscrew machines
2,328Nov. 03, 1841T.W. Harvey, F. GoodellSelf-setting sawmillsawmills
2,941Feb. 04, 1843T.W. HarveyCotton Presscotton presses
4,548May 30, 1846T.W. HarveyMaking Wood Screwsscrew machines
4,613Jul. 02, 1846T.W. HarveyNicking Heads of Wood Screwsscrew machines
4,738Sep. 03, 1846T.W. HarveyMaking Wood Screwsscrew machines
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