Patents for Thomas W. Harvey |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,909X | Jan. 24, 1832 | T.W. Harvey | Manufacturing wrought nails | nail making machines |
7,021X | Apr. 27, 1832 | T.W. Harvey | Rotary toggle point press (cotton press) | cotton presses |
7,629X | Jun. 29, 1833 | T.W. Harvey | Heading screws and rivets | rivet making machines |
7,753X | Sep. 13, 1833 | T.W. Harvey | Grooved and flanched nails and spikes | nail making machines |
9,278X | Dec. 02, 1835 | T.W. Harvey, F. Goodell | Power Loom for Weaving Stock Frames | looms |
148 | Mar. 25, 1837 | T.W. Harvey | Improvements in Machines for Nicking and Turning the Heads of Wood-Screws | screw machines |
149 | Mar. 25, 1837 | T.W. Harvey | Machine for Cutting and Heading Wire for the Manufacture of Wood-Screws | screw machines |
2,328 | Nov. 03, 1841 | T.W. Harvey, F. Goodell | Self-setting sawmill | sawmills |
2,941 | Feb. 04, 1843 | T.W. Harvey | Cotton Press | cotton presses |
4,548 | May 30, 1846 | T.W. Harvey | Making Wood Screws | screw machines |
4,613 | Jul. 02, 1846 | T.W. Harvey | Nicking Heads of Wood Screws | screw machines |
4,738 | Sep. 03, 1846 | T.W. Harvey | Making Wood Screws | screw machines |