Patents for Theo. G. Hooster |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
569,037 | Oct. 06, 1896 | T. Dixon | Improved Combination Pipe and Monkey Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
586,453 | Jul. 13, 1897 | A. Normand | Pocket Knife | knives and cutters |
599,169 | Feb. 15, 1898 | T. Forstner | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
601,506 | Mar. 29, 1898 | C.D. Eames | Tongs | pipe wrenches |
603,159 | Apr. 26, 1898 | E.M. Tyler | Reversible Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
609,324 | Aug. 16, 1898 | J.H. Atkinson | Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
611,540 | Sep. 27, 1898 | J.R. Whitaker | Tire Bolting Machine | tire bolt wrenches |
632,082 | Aug. 29, 1899 | A. Anderson | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
636,673 | Nov. 07, 1899 | R. Klatt | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
640,005 | Dec. 26, 1899 | C.R. Swett, H.W. Libby | Wrench | pipe wrenches |
642,473 | Jan. 30, 1900 | J.A. Montgomery | Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |
856,498 | Jun. 11, 1907 | G.H. Tatge | Wrench | cylinder tooth wrenches |
1,050,746 | Jan. 14, 1913 | B. Morgan | Hand Tool | valve spring tools |
1,212,002 | Jan. 09, 1917 | B.B. Bean | Valve Grinding Tool | valve grinding tools |