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Patents for Robert E. Poindexter
Patents 16 - 30 of 51
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
442,688Dec. 16, 1890R.E. PoindexterSaw Jointersaw jointers
445,198Jan. 27, 1891R.E. PoindexterFence-post base
445,330Jan. 27, 1891C.M. KilerWire fastener and tightener
453,148May 26, 1891C.M. Kiler, R.E. PoindexterFence
457,159Aug. 04, 1891C.M. KilerWire fence
462,411Nov. 03, 1891R.E. PoindexterWire-tightener
462,412Nov. 03, 1891R.E. PoindexterFence
469,808Mar. 01, 1892R.E. PoindexterStay-rod clip for wire fences
503,804Aug. 22, 1893R.E. PoindexterPost-base
506,440Oct. 10, 1893R.E. PoindexterCorn-splitting machine
D24,514Jul. 30, 1895R.E. PoindexterDesign for a fence-panel
543,752Jul. 30, 1895R.E. PoindexterMachine for shaping and setting saw-teethsaw sets
551,144Dec. 10, 1895R.E. PoindexterCrosscut Sawcrosscut saw teeth
553,071Jan. 14, 1896R.E. PoindexterCrosscut-sawcrosscut saw teeth
561,094Jun. 02, 1896R.E. Poindexter, P.M. DahlSawinsertable saw teeth
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