Patents for Joseph C. Smith |
Patents 1 -
of 4
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
8,741X | Apr. 03, 1835 | J.C. Smith | Beds, application of palm-leaves for stuffing | |
RX-31 | Mar. 18, 1841 | E. Howe | Improvement in the application of material called palmofleaf or brub grass to the stuffing of beds, mattresses, sofas, cushions, and all other uses for which hair, feathers, moss, or other soft and elastic substances are used | |
3,205,336 | Sep. 07, 1965 | J.C. Smith | Crankshaft welding machine | vehicle mechanic |
CA-773,823 | Dec. 19, 1967 | J.C. Smith | Crankshaft welding machine | vehicle mechanic |