Patents for Henry Howson |
Patents 16 -
of 45
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
29,680 | Aug. 21, 1860 | H. Disston | Machine for grinding saw-blades | tool making machines |
29,772 | Aug. 28, 1860 | H. Disston, T.S. Disston | Improved machine for setting saw teeth | saw teeth |
34,410 | Feb. 18, 1862 | T. Crook, Jr., A.B. Davis | Corn Sheller | corn shellers |
37,466 | Jan. 20, 1863 | R. Stileman | Improvement in hydrants | hydrants |
37,569 | Feb. 03, 1863 | A.B. Davis | Improvement in weighing apparatus | scales and balances |
42,213 | Apr. 05, 1864 | J. Molyneux | Improvement in apparatus for forcing oil from wells | oil well pumps |
42,738 | May 17, 1864 | R. Barkley, L. Semple | Grindstone-dresser | grinder dressers |
46,843 | Mar. 14, 1865 | J.G. Baker | Improved Saw Grinding Machine | making sawblades |
52,004 | Jan. 09, 1866 | J. Sherman | Improved shingle | shingle machines |
54,813 | May 15, 1866 | J.G. Baker | Improvement in Saw Grinding Machines | tool making machines |
65,051 | May 28, 1867 | P. Bloomsburg, Jr., J. Molyneux | Mechanical movement | steam engine valve gear |
155,950 | Oct. 13, 1874 | H. Howson | Improvement in Handsaws | saw handles |
326,798 | Sep. 22, 1885 | J. Smith | Saw with insertable teeth | insertable saw teeth |
333,452 | Dec. 29, 1885 | T.S. Disston | Post Hole Digger | |
397,311 | Feb. 05, 1889 | F. Schoff | Drilling-machine | portable metal drilling machines |