Patents for Francis W. Robinson |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
21,367 | Aug. 31, 1858 | F.W. Robinson | Straw-carrier of threshing-machines | threshers and thrashers |
21,628 | Sep. 28, 1858 | F.W. Robinson | Improvement in riddles for threshing-machines | threshers and thrashers |
26,786 | Jan. 10, 1860 | F.W. Robinson | Improvement in horse-power | animal powered apparatus |
30,932 | Dec. 18, 1860 | F.W. Robinson | Improvement in grain-separators | corn and grain separators |
49,791 | Sep. 05, 1865 | F.W. Robinson | Improvement in sawing-machines | drag saws |
RE2,117 | Nov. 28, 1865 | F.W. Robinson | Improvement in sawing-machines | drag saws |
300,397 | Jun. 17, 1884 | F.W. Robinson | Traction Engine | traction engine suspensions |
311,530 | Feb. 03, 1885 | F.W. Robinson | Traction Engine | traction engine suspensions |