Patents for L. N. Legendre |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
CA-32,423 | Oct. 02, 1889 | B. Reagan | Pipe Wrench | pipe wrenches |
548,696 | Oct. 29, 1895 | J.W. Carver | Carriage Wrench | axle nut wrenches that lock nut to wheel hub |
567,492 | Sep. 08, 1896 | W. Cook, J. Musgrave | Pipe Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
572,808 | Dec. 08, 1896 | M. Killian | Tool For Miners' and Blasters' Use | pliers |
573,702 | Dec. 22, 1896 | F. Colman, J. Richard | Wrench | chain and strap wrenches |
573,732 | Dec. 22, 1896 | E.T. Warn | Ratchet Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
584,019 | Jun. 08, 1897 | H.A. Smith | Elgin Wrench. | alligator wrenches |
620,461 | Feb. 28, 1899 | C.H. Lambkin | Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
673,160 | Apr. 30, 1901 | R. Diesel | Method of Igniting and Regulating Combustion for Internal Combustion Engines | diesel engines |
702,439 | Jun. 17, 1902 | W. Keuffel | Tape Reel | tape measures |