Patents for Charles H. Bidwell |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
285,788 | Oct. 02, 1883 | C.H. Bidwell | Elevator | threshers and thrashers |
402,893 | May 07, 1889 | C.H. Bidwell | Bean Thrashing Machine | threshers and thrashers |
557,046 | Mar. 24, 1896 | C.H. Bidwell | Bean Planter | crop planters |
632,831 | Sep. 12, 1899 | C.H. Bidwell | Grain Scouring Machine | grain hullers |
671,579 | Apr. 09, 1901 | C.H. Bidwell | Self-Feeding Mechanism for Threshing Machines | threshers and thrashers |
734,214 | Jul. 21, 1903 | C.H. Bidwell | Threshing Machine | threshers and thrashers |
766,161 | Aug. 02, 1904 | C.H. Bidwell | Threshing Machine | threshers and thrashers |