Patents for William Edson |
Patents 1 -
of 18
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
78,905 | Jun. 16, 1868 | W.P. Welch | Improvement in guides for bandsaws | bandsaw guides |
89,042 | Apr. 20, 1869 | J.H. Harrison | Improvement in saw-sharpening device | woodworking machine sharpening mechanisms |
94,461 | Aug. 31, 1869 | J.P. Woodbury | Improvement in railway freight-cars | |
111,677 | Feb. 07, 1871 | G.F. Pottle | Improvement in governors for steam-engines | steam engine governors |
136,350 | Feb. 25, 1873 | T. Williams | Pipe-Wrenches | pipe tongs |
138,462 | Apr. 29, 1873 | J.P. Woodbury | Improvement in planing-machines | wood planers |
138,548 | May 06, 1873 | T. Williams | Combination Tools | combination tools |
148,951 | Mar. 24, 1874 | G.C. Hawkins | Improvement in fan-blowers | blowers |
RE5,914 | Jun. 16, 1874 | D.P. Foster | Improvement in wrenches | pipe and nut combination wrenches |
160,768 | Mar. 16, 1875 | J. Hale | Improvement in scroll-sawing machines | scrollsaws |
162,887 | May 04, 1875 | B.F. Sturtevant, J.E. Bickford | Pegging Machines | shoe and boot making machines |
CA-5,164 | Sep. 10, 1875 | L. Glynn | Pipe Wrench | pipe tongs |
170,392 | Nov. 23, 1875 | C.P. Poinier | Improvement in corner-pieces and clamps for picture-frames | |
273,274 | Mar. 06, 1883 | W.H. Griffiths | Barrel-stave machine | barrel making machines |
295,093 | Mar. 11, 1884 | C.E. Ashcroft | Pressure-gage-testing apparatus | steam pressure gauges |