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Patents for James Lorenzo Gage
Patents 1 - 10 of 10
First set of recordsLast set of records
76,782Apr. 14, 1868P.H. LawlerImprovement in shingle machinesshingle machines
85,081Dec. 22, 1868J. FlintGrinding Sawssaw sharpening machines
90,195May 18, 1869H.J. RickardImprovement in hollow augerhollow bits
92,603Jul. 13, 1869M. GreggImprovement in Turbine Water-Wheels
98,530Jan. 04, 1870T.B. TitusImprovement in sleigh-shoessleigh shoes
126,047Apr. 23, 1872J.L. GageImprovement in boxes for steaming barrel-hoopshoop making machines
195,185Sep. 11, 1877J. TomlinsonImprovement in barrel-machinesbarrel making machines
236,876Jan. 25, 1881C.H. DouglasSawsaw teeth
272,038Feb. 13, 1883J.L. GageWood-cutting machinewoodworking machines
354,407Dec. 14, 1886J.L. GageBand-saw millband sawmills
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