Patents for Frank M. Leavitt |
Patents 1 -
of 17
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
330,791 | Nov. 17, 1885 | F.M. Leavitt | Adjusting Screw for Die Presses | stamping presses |
343,540 | Jun. 08, 1886 | F.M. Leavitt, A.O. Kittredge | Malleting Machine | power hammers |
350,007 | Sep. 28, 1886 | F.M. Leavitt | Drop-hammer | drop hammers |
353,261 | Nov. 23, 1886 | F.M. Leavitt | Automatic Ear Bending Machine | metal twisting machines |
370,952 | Oct. 04, 1887 | F.M. Leavitt | Drop-hammer | drop hammers |
380,808 | Apr. 10, 1888 | F.M. Leavitt | Drop-hammer | drop hammers |
386,076 | Jul. 10, 1888 | F.M. Leavitt | Drop-hammer | drop hammers |
401,566 | Apr. 16, 1889 | F.M. Leavitt | Drop-hammer | drop hammers |
568,575 | Sep. 29, 1896 | F.M. Leavitt | Clutch for Power Presses | punch presses |
693,872 | Feb. 25, 1902 | F.M. Leavitt | Propulsion of torpedoes, &c., by compressed air | torpedoes |
894,838 | Aug. 04, 1908 | F.M. Leavitt | Gyroscopic steering-gear for torpedoes | torpedoes |
925,710 | Jun. 22, 1909 | F.M. Leavitt | Steering mechanism for torpedoes | torpedoes |
953,848 | Apr. 05, 1910 | F.M. Leavitt | Exploder for automobile-torpedoes | torpedoes |
1,044,543 | Nov. 19, 1912 | F.M. Leavitt | Stopping device for automobile torpedoes | torpedoes |
1,088,079 | Feb. 24, 1914 | F.M. Leavitt | Engine-governor | torpedoes |