Patents for C. L. Evert |
Patents 1 -
of 61
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
98,813 | Jan. 11, 1870 | W.E. Stoddard | Improvement in Weather-Board Gauge | clapboard markers |
102,078 | Apr. 19, 1870 | Q.S. Backus | Improved process for facing valves and valve-seats for steam-engines | steam engine valves |
102,445 | Apr. 26, 1870 | J. Lamb, F. Klinkerman, J.F. Stewart | Improved Mechanism for Transmitting Power to Lathes and Other Machinery | human powered apparatus |
105,826 | Jul. 26, 1870 | U. Faris, A. Miller | Improvement in Weather-Board Scribe | clapboard markers |
109,154 | Nov. 08, 1870 | D.F. Sutton | Improvement in Countersinks | countersinks |
110,914 | Jan. 10, 1871 | J. Goodin | Wrench | screw adjust wrenches |
111,644 | Feb. 07, 1871 | C.W. Hermance | Steam Road Engine | steam traction engines |
112,063 | Feb. 21, 1871 | J.C. Mills | Improvement in Auger-Bits | adjustable drill bits |
112,101 | Feb. 21, 1871 | R. White | Wrench | tap wrenches and die stocks |
RE4,311 | Mar. 28, 1871 | C.W. Hermance | Steam Road Wagon | steam traction engines |
113,448 | Apr. 04, 1871 | M.F. Potts | Sad Iron | pressing irons |
113,703 | Apr. 11, 1871 | J.B. Sweetland | Improvement in sawing-machines | drag saws |
114,700 | May 09, 1871 | J.C. Miller | Improvement in Lathe Chucks | metal lathe chucks |
114,703 | May 09, 1871 | J.N. Newell | Improvement in Wrenches | screw adjust wrenches |
120,301 | Oct. 24, 1871 | J. Mason | Improvement in Siding-Gauges | clapboard markers |