Patents for Josiah S. Elliott |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
107,017 | Sep. 06, 1870 | J.S. Elliott | Improved brick-machine | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
110,023 | Dec. 13, 1870 | J.S. Elliott | Improvement in machines for mixing the materials to form artificial stone, &c. | |
111,921 | Feb. 21, 1871 | J.S. Elliott | Improvement in machines for forming artificial stone | |
124,557 | Mar. 12, 1872 | J.S. Elliott, J.F. Wood | Improvement in the manufacture of imitation marble | |
124,558 | Mar. 12, 1872 | J.S. Elliott, J.F. Wood | Improvement in the manufacture of millstones | |
124,559 | Mar. 12, 1872 | J.S. Elliott, J.F. Wood | Improvement in processes of repairing millstones | |
126,041 | Apr. 23, 1872 | J.S. Elliott, J.F. Wood | Method of making stone for grinding wood-pulp | |
126,042 | Apr. 23, 1872 | J.S. Elliott, J.F. Wood | Improvement in composition-stone frames for hot-air registers | |
128,218 | Jun. 25, 1872 | J.S. Elliott, J.F. Wood | Improvement in inkstands from composition stone | |
RE5,401 | May 13, 1873 | J.S. Elliott | Improvement in machines for forming building-blocks | |