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Patents for T. B. Mosher
Patents 16 - 30 of 60
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
132,231Oct. 15, 1872A. AssmanImprovement in Grinding Apparatusgrinding machines
133,994Dec. 17, 1872T.D. LakinImprovement in converting motionspiral screwdrivers
134,440Dec. 31, 1872J.E. RoachePipe-Tongs and Cutterspipe tongs
135,164Jan. 21, 1873H. SillmanImprovement in band-saw gangsband sawmills
137,837Apr. 15, 1873H. GrubenbecherImprovement in carving-machinescarving machines
138,568May 06, 1873L. LittlejohnBung-Bush Insertersself-adjust wrenches
138,877May 13, 1873S. French, R.D. ChaseImprovement in copy-holders
139,710Jun. 10, 1873J. EdwardsAdjustaable Mouth for Match Planesplane throat adjustments
139,965Jun. 17, 1873G. MarshallImprovement in sawing-machinestablesaws
140,441Jul. 01, 1873G. SwensonImprovement in Saw Setssaw sets
141,259Jul. 29, 1873M. BubserImprovement in Wrench for Fish-Plate Boltswrenches
141,483Aug. 05, 1873C.F. BonhackImprovement in the manufacture of friction-matchesmatch making machines
141,511Aug. 05, 1873L. LittlejohnBung Reamer and Countersinktapered reamers
142,416Sep. 02, 1873J.J. SheridanImprovement in Boring and Drilling Machinewood drilling and boring
143,296Sep. 30, 1873M. NeckermannTaper Turning Attachments to Lathesmetal lathe accessories and attachments
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