Patents for George Westinghouse Sr. |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
11,104 | Jun. 13, 1854 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Endless-chain horse-power | animal powered apparatus |
RE317 | Jul. 10, 1855 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in endless-chain horse-powers | animal powered apparatus |
RE900 | Feb. 14, 1860 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in endless-chain horse-powers | animal powered apparatus |
27,588 | Mar. 20, 1860 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in crank-boxes | |
27,941 | Apr. 17, 1860 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Grain-separator | corn and grain separators |
34,605 | Mar. 04, 1862 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in grain and seed winnowers | winnowing machines |
RE1,366 | Dec. 16, 1862 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in grain and seed winnowers | |
48,857 | Jul. 18, 1865 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in sawing machines | drag saws |
122,420 | Jan. 02, 1872 | G. Westinghouse, Sr. | Improvement in thrashing-machines | threshers and thrashers |